Signs Of Asphalt Damage: Identifying Issues And The Necessity For Repair

Posted on: 11 September 2023

The identification of asphalt damage is crucial for maintaining the integrity and longevity of your pavement. By understanding the signs of deterioration, you can take timely action to address the issues and prevent further damage. Here are some common signs of asphalt damage, providing insights into the necessity for repair.


One of the most apparent signs of asphalt damage is the presence of cracks. These can appear in various forms, such as longitudinal cracks that run parallel to the pavement's direction or transverse cracks that span the width of the surface. Cracks often occur due to aging, weathering, or excessive weight from vehicles. When left unattended, cracks can expand and allow water to seep into the underlying layers, leading to more significant damage. Therefore, it is vital to address cracks promptly through repair measures.


Potholes are another common indication of asphalt damage. These are depressions or cavities that form when the pavement's surface layer deteriorates, typically due to the freeze-thaw cycle, heavy traffic, or water infiltration. Potholes not only pose a safety hazard but can also cause damage to vehicles. Repairing potholes involves filling the void with new asphalt or using patching materials to restore the surface and prevent further deterioration.


Rutting refers to the formation of grooves or channels in the asphalt surface caused by repeated traffic load and improper compaction during construction. As vehicles traverse the pavement, they exert pressure and cause the asphalt to deform. If left unaddressed, rutting can worsen over time, affecting water drainage and creating unsafe driving conditions. Repairing rutting often involves milling the damaged area and applying a fresh layer of asphalt to restore the pavement's evenness and functionality.

Fading and Oxidation

Fading and oxidation are visual indicators of asphalt damage. Over time, exposure to sunlight, harsh weather conditions, and chemicals can cause the surface layer of asphalt to lose its color and become dull. This not only affects the appearance of the pavement but can also result in reduced durability and increased vulnerability to cracks. Applying sealcoating or rejuvenating treatments can help restore the aesthetics and protect the asphalt from further damage.

Drainage Issues

Poor drainage is a sign of underlying asphalt damage that often goes unnoticed until it becomes a noticeable problem. Standing water or puddles on the pavement indicate an inadequate slope or improper drainage system. When water accumulates, it weakens the pavement's structure and leads to accelerated deterioration. Addressing drainage issues may involve adjusting the slope, installing additional drains, or implementing other measures to redirect water flow away from the pavement.

Contact an asphalt paving service to learn more. 
